Thursday, February 12, 2009

Poison Control

Do you have their number on your fridge? I didn't at this house and had to call 911 when my daughter ate superglue this morning. They wanted to send an ambulance and everything. Her lips came unstuck a few minutes later, after she stopped throwing up. She could always breath thank goodness, but she kept saying please to me, so I would get the yuck out of her mouth. It's all over her teeth and will be for a few days. It's non toxic, I guess because they were only worried about the airway not the digestion. We haven't child-proofed this house yet, but when we were, we weren't going to do my desk drawers in my office anyways. Well, needless to say we are childproofing everything today and the cleaners get double locked. I looked on her bed and found the glue and 2 pig parts dog treats. It was a bad food day for her. I even caught her in my office and walked her out and still didn't notice the glue in her hand. Well, thanks for listening to me rant about my experience.


Kristin said...

Oh my gosh, that is so scary! I'm glad to hear she's doing well. Poor thing!

Walker Babble said...

Holy Cow!!! Thats all I have...Wow.